

Friday, 16 September 2016


Spam or E-mail spam is also known as junk e-mails is a collection of spam that involves identical messages send to various recipients by mail. In todays fast growing world , using the e-mails and surfing on the web is very common. 
The big e-mail services like G-mail , Hotmail , Yahoo mail are used by millions of people daily.  The large no of mails are  received and sent daily by using these services . 

Spam is a commonly used word that, in computer language, means “something that is not wanted or needed”. There are many forms that spam can come in and it is almost always meant to sell something or just to be an annoyance.

 One of the most common types of spam is spam mail that is sent to email accounts. Another way that people are attacked by spam is visiting a site that has a lot of spam advertisements and pop up windows. These sites are actually breeding grounds for viruses also.

 There is really no way to stop all of this mail from coming unless you are very knowledgeable about email or you have a spam blocking program. The best programs for blocking spam in emails all have the same characteristics.

 Most of the weaker programs can block the most common forms of spam, but they let other less known spam through the wires. The best programs block everything and will notify you when spam has been blocked. There is also usually a containing file that holds all of the unwanted spam.

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